Social Classes (Ch 5)

In China, the state officials were only males. There was other classes known as the landlord class, peasant and merchants. The landlords were wealthy families who owned land. Peasants were what most people were categorized as because the were living in small homes with 2-3 generations of family. They may own small parts of land and maybe enough to sell in the market but went through great struggles that were imposed onto them from taxes, fees and other from the government. Merchants were unproductive and were known for selling products of others'.

In India, the caste system was very important. There were 5  classes, or varnas. Brahmins were priest and teachers. Kshatriyas were warriors or rulers. Vaisya were farmers, merchants, or artisans. Sudras were laborers. The untouchables were polluted laborers.

The Roman Empire was known for its use of slaves. The Greeks, Chinese, Indians and Romans all used slaves. The slvaes were usually criminals or those being punished. Slave owners had a duty to take care of the slave even through their old age and cannot abandon them.


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