Culture & Religion (Ch 4)

Now that these dynasties were becoming more established, they were also creating morals and values that almost everyone followed. These turned into parts of their culture and religion. It can be seen in China during the time of 500 B.C.E. Confucianism, from the teachings of Confucius, and Daoism were rising. In the Middle East it was Zoroastrianism from the Persian prophet Zarathustra. Later it was known as Hinduism which later also branched off to Buddhism. Judaism became the religion of Israel and later spread to the branch of Christianity and Islam. In Greece, they still looked to the writings of Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, and others for rational reasoning and expressions. (Strayer, 2016). Many of these groups of civilizations were looking for a way to connect to a higher power spiritually, spreading the need for religion. People wanted to look up to something for guidance and direction. To be able to follow the teaching and values set in place by the religion. Religion bega...