CH. 2- Seals

In the Indus Valley Civilizations the first civilizations were in Mohenjo Daro and Harappa. During this time there was not too much of a written language. Images were mostly used. Seals were used to print an image of documents or products, similar to a stamp or signature that we use now. Seals were created from pictures of animals with little amounts of words. Since some people did not know how to read the pictures were an easier way to communicate which items belong to a person. Seals were different for each individual. So workers who were loading goods onto a boat would be able to tell which items belonged to their owner based on the seal they were marked with. A prominent landowner, leading official, a clan head, or a merchant would use a seal to identify their product or items. It was a way to put their name on their item by using a picture and not words.


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