The Ideal Candidate

Based on the section, The Superior Man from Confucius, One of the traits I would like our next President to have would be IV. 5. I feel that this part of the text is describing a man that is honest and hard working. It is a man who takes what live gives him and makes the best out of it instead of trying to change things around him to make his own life better. If a man is not being honest then he will be undeserving and it will come back to him in the form of poverty. If our next President was really worried about living a natural life without hand outs and special treatment for those with money more people could be successful and have better opportunities.
I also like section XIV. 24. This one stands out to me because it describes that the superior man is a positive thinker. Always looking on the bright side is a good trait to have especially when it is during a time of need. Thinking positively creates a better approach to think clearly and reasonably. The mean man is stuck in the past dwelling on things that are behind him. One cannot move forward without letting things go sometimes.

My favorite one is section XIV. 29. This one simply means that the superior man doesn't focus too much on his words he says to the people, it is about his actions and what he physically does to show his people he keeps his word. Anyone can tell people all of their good intentions but if they never end up fulfilling those intention and there is no action, their word doesn't mean anything. You can gain peoples trust and faith by showing them with your actions. Each of these sections describes traits that an ideal President should have to best represent the people of the United States.


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